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Accountability Can Transform Health (ACT HEALTH)

There is an increasing interest in practical interventions that rebalance the relationships between state (policy makers, service providers, duty-bearers) and clients (citizens, rights-holders, users of services). Some efforts strengthen the spaces and direct linkages between citizens to providers in the hopes of having a quicker impact on quality of services. Meaningful participation and access to these spaces requires individual and collective empowerment.

With funding from DFID, GOAL the main implementing partner sub granted HEPS Uganda to implement ACT health activities. The ACT Health project is based on the concept that increased accountability and responsiveness requires changes at many levels. These are: changes within society (empowerment of individuals), changes within the state (inclusive and responsive institutions) and changes in the state- society interface (“space” for participation and collective voice). It would be impossible to target all of these factors equally, so GOAL, HEPS and other partners will focus on changes in the state – society interface to contribute to the super goal of: Improved health outcomes for communities with a focus on women and girls in health centre catchment areas. HEPS Uganda, the National partner is leading the national advocacy activities.

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