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The COME Project is Citizen Engagement to Stop Medicine Stock outs to foster action, engagement and participation of community based (VHTs, HUMCs, Private sector players, community leaders), District and national level citizen representatives belonging to the various HEPS Uganda coalitions to serve as advocate for the right to access essential medicines and contribute to reduction of stock outs for medicines at public health facilities in Lira District. Their combined voice and interaction with duty bearers would foster visibility of community voices that are committed to securing quality affordable essential medicines for all people.

The project was specifically designed to contribute to the following;

  • Increased community understanding of concept of essential medicines and what should be available at different levels of health service delivery.
  • Shifting of community opinion and perception from apathy and silence in regard to violation of right to access medicines to that of communities that can act and demand for their full entitlements in health service delivery and embrace health rights as a community value.
  • Promotion of downward accountability with the district health team (DHT) interfacing with frontline health workers.
  • Generate evidence from target communities that will inform advocacy at both district and national levels through the Stop Stock Out district national health CSO partners.
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