Coalition for Health Promotion and Social Development (HEPS-Uganda) with financial support from water-loo foundation is implementing a project to increase local governments’ budget allocation towards sexual reproductive health in Uganda for the Financial Year 2020/21. The project is working with targeted local governments of Kiboga and Pallisa districts and has adopted the Advanced Family Planning (AFP SMART) advocacy approach. The intervention is intended to influence local governments to develop District FP Costed Implementation Plans (DFP-CIP), establishment of Extended FP/RH District Technical Working Groups and advocate for FP/RH financing within the local government budgets.
It has been proven that financing FP/RH can curb rapid population growth, improve health, and drive development. Uganda is one of the countries that has considered FP as one of the strategies for human capital development and the country commitment has been confirmed with the launch of the National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan (FP-CIP). A plan that has given a clear path way for financing FP.
- By December 2021, Pallisa district council approves 5% SRH budget line in the Financial Year (FY) 2020/21.
- By December 2021, Kiboga district council endorses the establishment of a District Advocacy Working Group to lead SRH advocacy that will push for the 5% budget allocation towards SRH.
- By December 2021, lessons learned from implementation of budget advocacy are analysed, documented and shared.
Scope: Pallisa and Kamuli District Local Governments.