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Since March 2009 HEPS has led a consortium of 5 CSOs in a campaign, Stop Stock-Outs. The CSO’s include HEPS Uganda; Action Group for Health, Human Rights and HIV/AIDS (AGHA); National Forum of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Uganda (NAFOPHANU); Action for Development (ACFODE) and the Alliance for Integrated Development and Empowerment (AIDE). The campaign has focused at the policy level but also mobilized media and communities to call on government to ensure availability of essential medicines at all public health institutions.

This was the most successful campaign of 2009. The media took it up and the public responded by demanding stocked health facilities.   National Medical Stores (NMS) took advantage of this campaign to demand for 70% of the budget amount and it was granted. The President instituted a health services monitoring unit to track delivery of health services.

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