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HEPS-UGANDA welcomes support and partnership with organisations and individuals working on similar issues. If you would like to work with us please contact us on the above address.

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Since 2014, HEPS Uganda and other national level organizations have been involved in PEPFAR Country Operational Plan (COP) development processes and monitoring its implementation. HEPS Uganda with support from the AIDS Vaccines Advocacy Coalition (AVAC) is implementing a Community
The Coalition for Health Promotion and Social Development (HEPS-Uganda) with support from the Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa (OSIEA) is implementing a project aimed at strengthening the private pharmaceutical sector accountability in Uganda. The project contributes to improved governance and accountability within the private pharmaceutical sector. The project will cause change in policies and improved regulation
HEPS Uganda together with Global Health Collaborative is partnering to implement the Advocacy to Accelerate Access to COVID-19 Vaccines in Uganda project which involves a series of activities based in Uganda to catalyze urgent action toward COVID-19 vaccine equity.

Partner with us

HEPS-UGANDA welcomes support and partnership with organisations and individuals working on similar issues. If you would like to work with us please contact us

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