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HEPS-UGANDA welcomes support and partnership with organisations and individuals working on similar issues. If you would like to work with us please contact us on the above address.

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This was a research project that was identifying and documenting barriers to the use of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) services by HIV+ pregnant women. The monitoring study was conducted in 10 parishes in Kawempe Division.
It’s a 3-year project funded by DFID through which HEPS is reaching out to the communities of 10 sub counties in Lira district. In these communities, HEPS is empowering the people with health rights and responsibilities information with a
This is a 2 year project funded by International Development Fund (IDF) and it began in June 2009. HEPS is reaching out to seven sub counties in seven districts of Kamwenge, Lira, Mbarara, Kiboga, Ntungamo, Pallisa and Budaka; empowering
Malaria remains biggest single cause of illness and death in Uganda. Yearly, 16 million Ugandans are affected by the disease, and children are most at risk. Nowadays, Rapid Diagnostic Tests are available to test malaria. These tests are accurate,
The Medicines Transparency Alliance MeTA is a global alliance of governments, pharmaceutical companies, the civil society and other partners working to improve access to medicines by increasing accountability in the healthcare marketplace. HEPS represents the CSO coalition on the
Despite government’s new found commitment to the promotion of family planning and supply chain policy changes, Uganda’s public health care system remains plagued by stock outs of contraceptives at the facility level. This lack of availability contributes to the

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HEPS-UGANDA welcomes support and partnership with organisations and individuals working on similar issues. If you would like to work with us please contact us

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